Ni ddiffydd cariad rhad

(Haeddiant Crist)
  Ni ddiffydd cariad rhad,
    Nid ofer geiriau Duw;
  Ni chollir rhinwedd gwaed,
    Fy anwyl Iesu gwiw;
Mae cariad Duw yn para byth,
A'i air dilŷth safadwy yw.

  O ffynnon fawr o hedd,
    O anchwiliadwy fôr!
  Sy'n cynnwys ynddo'i hun,
    Ryw annherfnol 'stor;
Bydd miloedd maith yn canu'n llòn,
Drag'wyddol anthem byth am hòn.

  Dysgleiria foreu wawr,
    'Nol nos o faith barâd,
  Datgudia imi'n awr,
    Ryw ran o'r hyfryd wlad;
Lle 'rhed afonydd dwyfol ryw,
Fel môr didrai i Seion Duw.
William Williams 1717-91
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840


  Dysgleiria foreu wawr
  Pam 'r ofna'm henaid gwan

(The Merit of Christ)
  Free love shall not expire,
    God's words are not in vain;
  The merit is not to be lost, of the blood
    Of my dear, worthy Jesus;
The love of God shall last forever,
And his unfailing word is firm.

  O great fount of peace,
    O unsearchable sea!
  Which contains within itself,
    Some unending store;
Vast thousands shall be singing cheerfully,
An eternal anthem forever about this.

  The dawn of morning shines,
    After a long-enduring night,
  It reveals to me now,
    Some part of the delightful land;
Where rivers of a divine kind run,
Like an unebbing sea to the Zion of God.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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